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Aleksandra Boutin spoke at the 5th W@Competition conference
In a dynamic start to the New Year, Positive Competition participated in the fifth edition of the W@Competition conference. The conference brought together more than 300 industry professionals at The Hotel in Brussels.
The event featured various topical panel discussions such as “Taking on the Digital Challenge”, chaired by our expert Aleksandra Boutin. The participating panelists included Rita Wezenbeek (Director for Platform Policy and Enforcement, DG Connect, European Commission), Claudia Berg (GC, UK Information Commissioner’s Office), Elisabetta Iossa (Commissioner, Italian Competition Authority), Annemarie Sipkes (Director, Dutch Competition Authority) and Pascale Déchamps (Head of Unit, French Competition Authority). The discussion revolved around the DMA and the articulation of the different tools taking on the digital challenge at the EU and national level.
Positive Competition is a proud supporter of the W@ initiative. W@ is an umbrella platform for women professionals that aims to counteract their bias-driven underrepresentation by challenging traditional notions of expertise and visibility.
Positive Competition would like to thank Evelina Kurgonatie and the W@ team for the invitation and for putting together a fantastic event.
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