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Aleksandra Boutin will speak at the ASCOLA 2022 conference
We are happy to share that our expert Aleksandra Boutin will speak at the first annual conference of the Academic Society for Competition Law (ASCOLA) on the “Future of Swiss and European Merger Control” in Zurich on June 2nd
Aleksandra will focus on the advantages and pitfalls of the reform of the substantive test for mergers, based on recent cases at European and Member States levels. In particular, she will discuss whether the SIEC reform delivered a balanced approach or one biased towards the enforcement of gap cases without forcing authorities to embrace economic thinking and evidence-based enforcement for non-gap cases.
Other speakers include Birthe Panhans (European Commission), Natalie Harsdorf-Borsch (Bundeswettbewerbsbehörde), Bernd Meyring (Linklaters and College of Europe), Niklaus Wallimann (ComCo Secretariat), Philippe Sulger (ComCo Secretariat), Richard Stäuber (Homburger), Fabian Pape (Bundeskartellamt), Samuel Rutz (Swiss Economics), David Mamane (Schellenberg Wittmer), Scott Hemphill (NYU School of Law), Philippe Chappatte (Slaughter & May), Stefan Thomas (University of Tübingen), Walter Stoffel (University of Fribourg), Andreas Heinemann (University of Zürich). The conference has been organized by Prof. Damiano Canapa (University of Lausanne), Prof.Dr. Peter Georg Picht (University of Zurich) and Dr. Astrid Waser (Lenz & Staehelin).
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