Event invitation   >

Celebrating 5 Years
of Positive Competition

We would like to cordially invite to you for Positive Competition’s 5th Anniversary celebrations, which will take place on November 30th in Brussels.

30 November, 2023

16:30 – 17:00  |  Registration and Coffee
17:00 – 19:00  |  Positive Workshop
19:00 – 23:30  |  Reception

We will start by inaugurating the Positive Workshop Series with our first workshop on “The Competitive Assessment of Non-horizontal Mergers in Complex and Dynamic Environments – are the current tools fit for purpose?”

We will kick off the discussion with our short presentation identifying the key issues in the Google/DoubleClick saga and the diverging decisions of the Commission and the Competition and Markets Authority in Microsoft/Activision.

In line with our company’s motto, we will follow with a panel bridging enforcement, academia and practice, as well as law and economics:

Julie BonDeputy Chief Economist, Competition and Markets Authority
Aleksandra BoutinFounding Partner, Positive Competition
Xavier BoutinFounding Partner, Positive Competition
Fiona CarlinHead of EU Competition & Regulatory Affairs, Baker McKenzie
Etienne ChantrelHead of Mergers, French Competition Authority
Bruno JullienProfessor, Toulouse School of Economics
Nicole Kar – Global Head of Antitrust & Foreign Investment, Linklaters

Nicolas PetitProfessor, European University Institute
Hans Zenger – Head of Unit, Chief Economist Team of DG Competition

Knowing that there will be many other experts in the room, we will encourage all our guests to participate in the discussion.

We will then enjoy a contemporary photo exhibition and organic wine tasting, as well as a delicious healthy dinner served by our long term partner BRUT.

RSVP ASAP – places are limited

Hangar Photo Art Center
Pl. du Châtelain 18
1050 Ixelles, Brussels

Please fill in the form below and specify which session you would like to attend.
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