Mergers and Acquisitions
Mergers and acquisitions can create more efficient entities and are crucial to a well-functioning economy. However, some mergers can produce anticompetitive effects and consumer harm. For this reason, competition authorities scrutinise the largest transactions and prohibit concentrations that are likely to significantly reduce or eliminate competition on a given market.
We provide economic support throughout merger investigation procedures. Our aim is to ensure that transactions are cleared in a timely manner. We also ensure that the remedies are non-intrusive and strictly necessary.
We provide ongoing economic support throughout merger investigation procedures. Our aim is to ensure that transactions are cleared in a timely manner. We also ensure that the remedies are non-intrusive and strictly necessary.
We advise companies on the competitive assessment of mergers with horizontal or vertical competition aspects, throughout all the phases of merger control proceedings (pre-notification, Phase I and Phase II).
We assist companies on data collection and management in preparation of the transaction and during the proceedings (e.g. to respond to RFIs).
We assess the likely impact of the transaction on consumer welfare and market development. Our economic analysis covers all the key aspects of the merger’s competitive assessment, including:
- Definition of the relevant product and geographic markets (including the assessment of barriers to entry and exit);
- Assessment of market shares and market power;
- Assessement of closeness of competition;
- Assessement of coordinated effects;
- Assessment of non-horizontal theories of harm;
- Assessement of pro-competitive rationales for the merger;
- Quantification of efficiencies and consumer pass-on;
- Design and optimisation of remedies.
We use qualitative and quantitative analysis, as well as state of the art econometric techniques (UPP, merger simulation). We employ sophisticated software and develop original methodologies, for instance to identify the effects of mergers in local geographic markets.
We present technically complex results in a way that is clear and compelling to clients, regulators and courts.
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